Pure Safe

Pure Safe

Key Benefits

  • Business continuity.
  • Data protection.
  • Activity monitoring.

Secure managed data storage for your critical business information systems

Pure Safe process is achieved by sending your data securely, via the Internet, to a managed offsite data storage platform, ensuring that your valuable data is safe, secure and available anytime when needed.

The rationale behind online backup is simple. By frequent (or continuously) backing up data on a remote hard drive, the risk of catastrophic data loss as a result of fire, theft, file corruption, or other disaster is practically eliminated.

PureSafe looks after your server array, physical or virtual keeping track of changes made. With tailor made backup schedules and retention policies you’ll never have to worry about deleting a file again.

Our secure offsite facility can be accessed day and night by our trained engineers to recover your data, whether that be a simple file or folder or more complex recoveries like Email Databases or the Bare Metal Recovery of a whole server, PureSafe is there watching over your digital world

Pure Technology together with Mimecast is making email safer for business. Mimecast is an integrated cloud suite that reduces the complexity of protecting your business from spear-phishing, malware, data leaks, data loss and downtime.

Email needs to be protected and managed or it risks exposing your organization and your data to attack. Your customers and your supply chain are far too valuable to take that chance. It also needs to be effectively archived to meet growing compliance, e-discovery and legal obligations.

Pure’s security, archiving and continuity cloud services protect business email and deliver comprehensive email risk management in one fully-integrated subscription service.

Our service reduces the risk, complexity and cost traditionally associated with protecting email. You no longer have to manage an array of disjointed point solutions from multiple vendors. And you mitigate single vendor exposure if you have moved your primary email server to the cloud with services like Microsoft Office 365.

Business Continuity with data storage

Pure Safe offers two discrete business continuity solutions, providing levels of operational resilience and disaster recovery capability that match the needs of your organisation.

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Call us on 0129 625 4000 to find out more.