Pure Connect leased lines connectivity Aylesbury

Why a leased line?

private leased line london with no sharing

Your line is private

As you don’t share the bandwidth with anyone else, you have complete control.

This line is reserved exclusively for your business only.

unlimited internet

Unlimited Internet

There is no limit or special terms. You can use as much data as you like.

Unlimited data and super fast reliable internet speeds. All in one go.

service level agreement

Service Level Agreement

With a service level agreement of 99.95% service availability, your business is safe.

Our comprehensive service level agreement provides you with the comfort of knowing that any issues will be dealt with promptly and efficiently.

business critical systems

Business Critical

Is your business running applications that can bring your company to stop if your internet is down?

These are your Mission or Business Critical Applications, and should be running on a leased line to prevent any downtime.

Business Class Voice and Data Leased Line

Your speed never drops.

A leased line consists of a dedicated fibre optic (or copper) cable that physically links two sites and is separated from general public telecommunications Networks.

A big advantage of our leased-lines is that the contracted speed is guaranteed and never drops, unlike consumer-grade internet services, where there can be significant differences between the quoted speed and the actual speed obtained in real-world conditions.

Reduced Cost

Leased lines used to be very expensive in the UK but leased line costs have fallen considerably due to advances in fibre optic technology and commercial competition.

Choose your connection

We are able to provide bespoke leased line connectivity to businesses of all sizes and across all fields.

Contact us for a free assessment